Sunday, June 22, 2008

Nietzsche and the christian ethic

Guilt and shame are checks on experience, they attempt to invalidate experience by claiming that it is wrong or laughable, claiming that the experience itself is not the experience of the infinite. Guilt and shame attempt to cut man's legs from under him, to make him mistrust his judgment and his soul. They want to make him timid, make him move slowly, watchfully, carefully. Thus, these people compete with each other about what experiences they have and are sure to create boundaries, controls...just for the sake of them...because they must show they have some control on experience (we can be trusted they shall say, they whisper to themselves). Somehow trust of the many becomes more important than trust of oneself. The wise experience the controls of experience as a handicap...they seek liberty, spontaneity, non-judgment.
And so, these people control each other to a point of non-movement...or very little movement...because change is dangerous, and danger is not welcome. They think that as their mothers brought them up so shall everything else come on to them, slowly and gently. They forgot that its up to them to treat the present slowly and gently. Nietzsche said that great things must first be terrible in order to inscribe themselves unto the hearts of humanity. just ride the snake... jimmy....

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