Sunday, June 22, 2008

take it for what it is, not for anything else

Taking the moment for what it is, not misrepresenting it. Because in the end everything is all about interpretation. There are no real forces out there, only the ones we believe are. From our interpretation of them comes our reaction. The idea behind the christian ethic is to structure the moment, to make it seem like we were in mom's belly again, where everything is warm and juicy, slow and calm. Morrison described the modern man as a little plastic soldier in the miniature dirt war. We create 'selves' to protect ourselves. So we throw dirt at each other, hoping to hurt each other. And we throw pretty things at each other when in the end all we want to do is play with each other like little tigers rolling on africa's grass fields.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

really like "take it for what it is, not for anything else" post ;)